Empowering Women
Check out this website
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Bagging AVON Brochures
A video I did on how I bag my AVON brochures. I still need to get files to everyone but things have been a little crazy so I haven't been able to get to that yet but I will send out files sooner or later.
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Join or Order
Place an order @ youravon.com/aidenbean or join Avon for $15 startavon.com Ref Code aidenbean When you place a $100 order earn FREE products & a $20 check.
Sunday, June 21, 2015

Become an Avon Representative or do like I did, start as an Avon Rep and become a Sales Leader with Avon. I am so glad I did. It was exactly the direction I wanted to take my business and I am glad it went that way because I have been happy with the direction my business has went. I have received many bonus checks from Avon as a Sales Leader. There are so many ways to make money with Avon. Become a Representative with Avon and you will learn all the ways you can earn money with Avon. Avon offers many different incentives for Avon Representatives. One incentive they had going awhile ago was for an Avon Logo Jacket. That was if you recruited a certain amount of new Representatives and I won the logo jacket with 5 new Avon Recruits. If I can do you can do it!

If you want to join my team all you have to is follow the website address provided to the right in how to contact me. If you want to become an Avon Customer of mine just follow the link to the photo on the right. I would love to help you find all the right Avon Products to fit your needs. If you want to start your own business than join my team and I can help you too become successful with Avon. Let's get started on your journey to success today.

There's Always An Opportunity
There's Always An Opportunity
Seize The Moment
There's always an opportunity to share the Avon Business Opportunity or to get a new customer. So last night I went to the Lindsey Stirling Concert in Charlottesville at the Ntelos Wireless Pavilion. After the concert we were waiting to get to the pay booth and pull out and head home. It was about a 10 minute wait. So I decided to put some samples together along with my business card and give them to the lady at the booth. So I put a bunch of samples that I had on me together along with my business card and rubberbanded it. We got up to the booth and she told us our total and I told her hey I have something for you and Vickie handed the lady the samples. I told her they were Avon samples and I wanted her to have them. She got so excited and asked if my number was on there so she could contact me and I told her my business card was attached to the samples and still excited she said she would call me. I am hoping she joins Avon or she becomes one of my customers.
So as you can see, there is always an opportunity to share the Avon Business Opportunity or to share your love for Avon with others. I get excited about Avon because well, I have a passion for Avon. It is such a great company to be a part of and I love what I do. I love helping others start their journey to success with Avon and I like to help my customers feel beautiful and confident about themselves.
I seized the opportunity and opened myself up to try to get a new customer and share Avon with someone else. And thankfully the lady was excited to get samples from me. That makes me happy and I am glad I could put a smile on her face because it was late and the poor lady was working that late at night.
Motto of the story is always share the Avon Opportunity and the Avon name with others. Start a conversation with them. Give them samples and brochures and spread the word about Avon.
Saturday, June 20, 2015
So Many Great Reasons To Join Avon
Summer is upon us and now is a great time to join Avon and start your journey as an Independant Avon Representative. What better time than now?

Hello everyone! I am Aiden Bean, and I am a Unit Leader with Avon in District 2873, Wintastics! I love what I do, and its important to love what you do. You must have a passion for what you do. This isn't a job, its a passion, something I love to do. You should have a career that you love not just a job. And Avon has changed my life forever. I am here to motivate you and inspire you and to help you start your career with Avon by starting you as an Avon Representative and if you are really serious about it than to go into Avon Sales Leadership which is what I am in and I love every minute of it. I have been with Avon since 29 September 2014 and I have been going strong ever since. I am here to tell you about all the opportunities that Avon offers you as a Representative or Sales Leader.
Has a Place For You!
Only $15 to start your own business. Earn up to 50%
Collect orders and money, place order online, pay Avon
Work your own hours
You can help clubs & organizations earn money
Church, schools, sports teams etc.
Show the book to family and friends and earn FREE Avon when you have a book or home party.
Great for Holiday shopping.

Become an Avon Sales Leader and soar to new heights with Avon. I am a Unit Leader with Avon and the rewards have been amazing. I have a team of 40+ members on my team and I have over 30+ customers. I can train you and teach you to build your business. FREE TRAINING!!! I can come to you and train you or we can have a Webinar and I can train you over the computer. When you become a Sales Leader your earnings go up as well as your customer base and you start growing your team.

When you sign up as a new Avon Representative we have a new incentive, The Hit 100 Challenge. With this challenge comes great rewards if you complete all the requirements and they are easy to follow. So check this out, The Hit 100 Challenge is for new reps who sign up. If your first 4 Campaign orders are $100+ you earn a FREE bundle package of Avon products PLUS you also get a $20 check from Avon. Doesn't that sound good? I think it does, however I don't qualify since I'm not a new Rep but this is great for new Representatives. It is definitely a great motivator in getting you new Reps to get $100+ orders. For you 1st order if you get $100+ order you get your first FREE Avon Bundle package and a $20 check. If you get a $100+ order your 2nd campaign you get your 2nd FREE Avon Bundle Package and your 2nd $20 check from Avon. You get the idea right? In your 1st 4 campaigns you have the chance to earn 4 FREE Avon Bundle Packages AND 4 $20 checks from Avon just for placing an order of $100 or more. So what are you waiting for? Let's sign you up so you can start earning those rewards. Who knows how long this incentive will last so jump aboard now so you can take advantage of this great incentive. This is just one of the many incentives Avon offers its Representatives. Another reason this company is so great.

As you can see we have a great District Sales Manager, Tracy Adams. She as do I will reward you for participation (attending meetings, conference calls etc). You get recognized for your achievements and for participating in conference calls and you get rewarded for placing orders. As you can see in the photo I (Aiden Bean) had 3 new recruits during the incentive and 1 new Leadership Candidate with an order which means I got 3 FREE Town & Country Products. Woot woot. Town & Country is an online store where you can purchase Avon Logo Items. It is located in your Avon Back Office (youravon.com).

Here is a proud moment of mine that I would like to share with you. Melissa Keller is my Upline Advanced Unit Leader for Team Sparkle. She had a contest going for who could get the most sales and make Unit Leader and well as you can see I had the highest sales and made Unit Leader. I was rewarded with a $100 bonus from Avon and Melissa rewarded me with a Black Onyx Ring and some other goodies from Avon. As you can see, in Avon you are rewarded for your achievements and participation. If you are serious about the business it shows, everyone will know how hard you work your business and you will have others looking up to you. I have had several people say that I inspire them and motivate them. That is the point, I want to inspire and motivate people and help them also be successful in their Avon Business just like I am.
Awhile back Avon had an incentive going on and you could earn an AVON Logo Jacket it was called the AVON LOGO JACKET INCENTIVE and in my District, 5 qualified recruits and on track achievers were me being one of them as you can see and of course my Upline Leader Melissa Keller. We had 5 new recruits and qualified for the Avon Logo Jacket Incentive. I won the Avon Logo Jacket. I was so excited to get it, I could hardly wait and I finally got it and I have since then been so proud to show of my jacket and wear it with pride. I did it! I achieved the incentive and earned that jacket. This is just an example of one of the many Avon Incentives that Avon has offered. This Incentive is however over but who knows if they may come back out with this incentive. Avon is always offering all kinds of great incentives for their Representatives.
Joining Avon is easy as 1-2-3. And the best part is that its ONLY $15 to join not like other companies where you have to spend $100 for a kit. Nope, with Avon its ONLY $15 to sign up and you get a bundle of FREE Avon Products as well as other materials with your WELCOME KIT. So what are you waiting for? You haven't signed up yet? Like I have showed you, there are so many reasons to join Avon. YES YOU CAN MAKE MONEY WITH AVON!!! It all depends on how much you work your business and how much you put into your business! The more time you invest in your business and the more you work your business the more you will be successful. To the left you see my photo, to sign up just go to the link I have provided and enter my Reference Code aidenbean

SO, ARE YOU READY TO SAY YES TO AVON? Just follow the link I have provided you and enter my reference code aidenbean to get started. When you sign up Avon will send you a Welcome Kit with materials in it you need to start your business as well as FREE Avon Products for you to keep for yourself or to use if you want as backstock products you can sell later. When you sign up I as well will send you a Welcome Letter with what I like to call "Aiden's AVON Bible". In Aiden's Avon Bible it has all the information you should need to get started in your Avon Business. But remember, feel free to e-mail me or message me on Facebook or Text me or Call me. I am always available to answer any of your questions. If I don't answer or respond right away be assured that I will get back to you as soon as I get your message. I am here for you, here to help you, here to train you and help you go far in your Avon Business and be successful with Avon. I just want to see you succeed and soar to new heights and that's what you can achieve with Avon.
Here is an introduction video I created about Avon. Check it out! Its a short video so don't worry. It explains a little bit about what Avon is all about. Did I mention Avon raises money for Breast Cancer Research as well as they raise money for Domestic Violence Research? I didn't? Well, now you know. Another reason to join such a great company. So after reading this blog post I hope you will realize all the reasons you should join Avon as well. Jump aboard! We are waiting for you to join our team.
So like I said above, I am Aiden. I am a Unit Leader with Avon. Once I started with this company I realized it was exactly what I was looking for and I really started to work my business. I love this company! And I love what I do and I love helping others be as successful as I am. I love helping others achieve their goals and make their dreams come true! And with Avon all that is possible. All your dreams can come true with Avon. You can go far with Avon if you really work your business. Its all about how much you put into it. I have invested a lot of time into my business because I want to be successful. And I have invested a lot of time into my team. I just want to see everyone succeed and I love helping others. I can help you too be successful with Avon. I will provide you with all the tools and training that you need to go far with Avon as well Avon provides you with all the tools you will need to go far in your business. Did you know Avon has Avon University so you can take Avon courses and earn certificates with Avon and learn more about your business. I have earned many certificates with Avon University. Exciting right!?! I think so.
Perfect time to join
Now is a great time to join. Only $15 & when you join now & place a $100 order as a new rep you will receive a FREE product bundle plus $20 back with the Hit 100 Challenge. startavon.com reference code aidenbean
Join my team, only $15 to join. Reach success with Avon & have your dreams come true.
Team Recognition✔️
Earn Avon Certificates✔️
No home parties needed✔️
No stock required✔️
Free training✔️
Free website✔️
No monthly fees✔️
startavon.com Reference Code aidenbean
Join my team. Only $15 to join Avon. No parties free website free training
I offer incentives for my team & Avon offers incentives for reps. Receive awards & cash & gift cards. http://startavon.com Ref Code: aidenbean
Every Representative enjoys no minimum order, no sales quota, no inventory to purchase, no party kit to buy, a free eStore and other state of the art online tools to help them grow their business. These are just some of the many benefits of being an Avon Representative.
Best of all it's just $15 to join! I'd be happy to explain it all to you in further detail - when and how is the best way for us to connect? Email, Phone or text? Or you can sign up through my website http://start.youravon.com reference code aidenbean
Great time to join
Now is a great time to join. Only $15 & when you join now & place a $100 order as a new rep you will receive a FREE product bundle plus $20 back with the Hit 100 Challenge. startavon.com reference code aidenbean
Friday, June 19, 2015
President's Club, Success & Goals
President's Club - PRP - President's Recognition Program
I checked my stats for making President's Club and I now know what my goal is. And I know where I stand and what I have to do to make President's Club. Below is a screenshot of what it said.
So my goal is: President's Club first and then I shall move onto Honor Society. But first things first, my goal is to make President's Club so I can attend the President's Club Gala next year as someone being recognized not just a Volunteer like this year. However, I was very excited to be able to volunteer at the Gala this year and be a part of it. That is what just motivates me more to make President's Club. So I have $7,760 dollars left to get to make President's Club and I have 13 Avon Campaigns left to get to that goal. I am determined to make President's Club and I am going to stay focused. I am driven anyways and stay motivated constantly as well as try to be a Motivator for my team. They say when you help others achieve their goals in the end you are also helping achieve your own goals. Leaders don't create followers, they create more leaders. This is so true. If you want to rise above you have to help those below you rise also. I have a pretty good team and we work together and keep the lines of communication open. I am constantly rewarding my team and recognizing them for their achievements. I try to keep them motivated and placing orders every campaign. I have a great team.
SO, I know what my goal is and I know what its going to take to reach my goal. Grind grind grind or as I like to say, my motto is: Rise and Grind, Wake up to the sunshine. I am going to work hard and really work my business to the fullest extent. I am determined to achieve my goals and accomplish my dreams. Wouldn't you want a better life for yourself? Do you ever dream about places you could go if you had money? Where you could travel, travel to a new country you've never been before. What you would do if you had spare money? What bills or expenses you could pay off. Do you ever wonder how you're going to pay for your kid's college fund? Or do you ever think, I would love to buy a new car/truck or fix up the one I've got. I DO!!! Hey you could have emergency money in case you needed it. Or say you want to be spontaneous and just out of no where say hey let's start driving and see where we'll end up. Do you ever do that? I do a lot. I am going to reach my goals. Its like this, you're a rock climber and your goal is to reach the highest peak of the mountain. You do everything possible to reach that highest peak of the mountain. You have all your gear you need, you have your rock climbing shoes and all the tools necessary to achieve your goal and reach the highest peak of the mountain but what you do with those tools is up to you. You have to want it, you have to go after it and really work at it. That's what I am going to do and that's what I want to help others do. I am going to use tools that Avon has provided me and really work my business because I want to achieve my goals and make my dreams come true. And I am going to help my team achieve their goals and dreams with the tools Avon has provided and the knowledge I have and use my Leadership skills to the fullest so I can sharpen the minds of my team and motivate them and help them to be successful in their Avon Business. And with Avon they provide you all the tools and training necessary to really be successful.
Like I said before, it all depends upon each person and what their goal is and how bad they want it. You have to want it, you have to work it, you have to be willing to do what is necessary in making your dreams come true, what it takes to accomplish your goals. Do you have what it takes? Excuses will get you no where in life. Fear is the biggest reason people don't accomplish their dreams and achieve their goals. DO NOT LET FEAR GET IN THE WAY OF YOU BEING SUCCESSFUL!! I repeat, DO NOT LET FEAR GET IN THE WAY!!! Do not let fear be the biggest factor in your failure. Nobody wants to be a failure and you don't have to be one. If you have the right mindset you can do anything. Having the right mindset is what will help you achieve your dreams and goals. Having a positive attitude will get you far in life. Surround yourself with positive people. You create your own dreams! If you have negative people in your life, delete them! The 5 people you hang with the most is who most influence you! Every 6 months one of your 5 will go through a transition and you may replace. REPLACE WISELY! Choose your circle of 5 wisely!
When I became an Entrepreneur, I was told I needed to have 3 INGREDIENTS to have SUCCESS!!
- This is not a "wish" or a "hope" or a "maybe I'll try" this is a burning, deep down in your belly, DEFINITENESS of PURPOSE to achieve what you want.
- Are you willing to roll up your sleeves and grind! Those with the greatest work ethic, doing the right activity, WIN BIG! I have never met a LAZY multi millionaire who slumbered their way to the top!
- Are you willing to follow a PROVEN PLAN of ACTION? MODELthose who have the success that you want to have...DON'T reinvent the Wheel!
DO YOU have all three? Do the members of your team have all THREE? This is the litmus test to identify WHO you pour your energy and resources into. However, look in the mirror FIRST!
I've been ready and I've been working my business since September 2013. That is how long I have been an Avon Representative. I have accomplished many of my goals and some of my dreams have come true. I am so blessed to have the Avon Opportunity come into my life. I was working with a company that just wasn't the right fit for me and then the Avon Opportunity came along and I decided to go for it. When I started in September 2013 we were in Campaign 22. Today we are in Campaign 14. I have been with Avon almost a year and I am going to celebrate my success. Let's see, the day I started with Avon was 29 September 2014. Like I said, it has almost been a year and I plan on celebrating the success that I have had with Avon. I have been very successful with Avon, not as successful as I want to be as I still have goals that I would like to reach and titles I would like to achieve. It was a happy and proud moment the very first time I achieved Unit Leader. I achieved Unit Leader in Campaign 25 and I started in Campaign 22 so it didn't take me long at all to achieve my first title. And as you can see I started in Campaign 22 and soon after starting with Avon I realized this was what I wanted to do, this was my calling and I realized I wanted to go into Sales Leadership. And there shortly after I achieved Unit Leader. Then I achieved Unit Leader 3 more times after that.
My next goal is to make President's Club and to achieve Advanced Unit Leader. Yeah I am skipping Unit Leader + and wanting to go from Unit Leader straight to Advanced Unit Leader. They say when you're in any business or you're an Entrepreneur to set your goals high. Why go for the next title, why not go for one above that or one higher than that? Right! So I am setting my goals high but remember, make sure your goals are attainable, make sure they are realistic goals that you know you can achieve. I've been told never to set unrealistic goals, not to set goals that are unattainable. Because if you set goals that are not attainable or unrealistic you are only setting yourself up for disappointment and failure. So set those goals right now and write down all of your dreams.
If I can do it you surely can do it. Have a great day everyone. God bless you all.
Why join Avon? Many reasons
There are so many reasons to join Avon.
Join my team, only $15 to join. Reach #success with #Avon & have your #dreams come true.
Team #Recognition✔️
Earn #Avon Certificates✔️
No home parties needed✔️
No stock required✔️
#Free training✔️
Free website✔️
No monthly fees✔️
startavon.com Reference Code aidenbean
Now is a great time to #join. Only $15 & when you #join now & place a $100 order as a #new rep you will receive a #FREE product bundle plus $20 back with the Hit 100 #Challenge. startavon.com reference code aidenbean
Want to earn an extra income or be your own boss? Want to make your own hours & have a flexible schedule?
No parties✔️
No stock needed✔️
$15 to join✔️
Free website✔️
Free training✔️
Get rewarded✔️
Team Recognition✔️
Earn Avon certificates✔️
Join my team startavon.com Ref Code: aidenbean
Why am I successful with Avon? Because I never gave up on my dreams. I never stopped working on achieving my goals. Dreams do come true. Yours can too. I am so lucky that I get to go to ORLANDO in August. I'm excited to go to the Avon Conference in ORLANDO.
You must Rise and Grind every day. Hustle hard and DO NOT give up!!!! Work hard and it will pay off.
You can eat more if you become an Avon Sales Leader. I worked hard and achieved one of my goals. And that was to become Unit Leader with Avon. If I can do it you can do it.
Being an Entrepreneur means you get more time with your family. You have the potential to earn an unlimited amount of income. You don't have to ask for days off from work because you ARE the boss.
Join my team. Only $15 to join Avon. No parties free website free training
I offer incentives for my team & Avon offers incentives for reps. Receive awards & cash & gift cards. http://startavon.com Ref Code: aidenbean
Now is a great time to join. Only $15 & when you join now & place a $100 order as a new rep you will receive a FREE product bundle plus $20 back with the Hit 100 Challenge. startavon.com reference code aidenbean
Wouldn't it be nice to not have to set an alarm? Wake up when you want? No more boas telling you what to do? YES you can be your own boss with Avon. Join my team for $15. Earn free product bundles as a new rep & $20 cash back. startavon.com reference code aidenbean
Perfect job for college students. Work part time or full time! Your success depends on how much work you put into your business.
startavon.com ref code aidenbean
What do you need extra $ for? •Student Loans •Car payment? •Gas money? •Doctor bills? •Vacation money? •No parties✔️ •No stock needed✔️ •Free website✔️ •Free training✔️ Join AVON for $15 today! Ask me how!
So you can either join me or watch me make money and be successful!
Why join Avon?
There are so many reasons to join Avon.
Join my team, only $15 to join. Reach #success with #Avon & have your #dreams come true.
Team #Recognition✔️
Earn #Avon Certificates✔️
No home parties needed✔️
No stock required✔️
#Free training✔️
Free website✔️
No monthly fees✔️
startavon.com Reference Code aidenbean
Now is a great time to #join. Only $15 & when you #join now & place a $100 order as a #new rep you will receive a #FREE product bundle plus $20 back with the Hit 100 #Challenge. startavon.com reference code aidenbean
Direct Sales,
Nail Polish,
Network Marketer,
Network Marketing,
Stay at home,
Work from home
Verona Verona
Sunday, June 14, 2015
How To Become A Unit Leader In 5 Weeks
How To Become A Unit Leader In 5
You can do anything for a short period of time. When you take this challenge and follow this Five-week plan, you will become a Unit Leader and develop the good habits necessary to continue building your team as you climb the leadership career ladder with Avon.
If you are already a Unit Leader,
following this five-week plan will turbo-charge your team and help
you achieve your Leadership goals with Avon.
- Be diligent as you work through this five-week plan. Pace yourself day-by-day, as each week passes.
- Be honest with yourself, and make every effort to complete each step recommended for each week.
- Check off each step as you complete it. As you take one step
at a time through this plan, your efforts will get you closer and
closer to your goals! If you actually complete every single step in
this program, you will succeed with becoming a Unit Leader or having
a much more successful business than when you began this program.
You will also have developed effective habits to sustain this growth
which will help you achieve SEUL all the faster and with a much
stronger team as well.
Week One in 15 Steps
- Order your Leadership Success Kit (This now comes automatically when you have your 1st Recruit) and is FREE).
- Order 3 or more New Appointment kits with your next order.
- Review the flyer entitled "Believe in your success" (Bigger Advancement Bonuses). Know this flyer inside and out. Go to Downline Manager and check out everything available about the Leadership program. Call the LEadership Hotline at 1-800-443-2831 for all your leadership questions, also partner with your upline (the person who signed you up).
- Prepare 20 or more Avon brochures with samples, a recruiting flyer, and your contact information. Always get contact information from everyone you give a brochure to.
- Implement the "Power Of Three". "The Power Of Three" is when you talk to 3 people everyday for five straight days about the Avon opportunity in order to generate at least five solid leads.
- Revisit all of last week's customers to share the Avon Opportunity.
- Review the Believe in Your Success flyer again.
- Observe a recruiting appointment conducted by an Upline Representative.
- Practice recruiting and making an Avon appointment with your best friend or relative.
- Complete 4 of the Training courses on youravon.com Go to the "Avon University" tab at the top. Then click course catalog at top of page. Select your training topics.
- Do your own New Representative search for two hours. Ask your upline for a good script to use when out prospecting for New Reps. You may want your upline to show you how she approaches someone when out prospecting or simulate with each other before you actually go prospecting. THEN, the key is TAKE ACTION! Ask everyone you see if they could use an extra $200-$300 per month. Be upbeat, persistent and consistent, you will find that YES and many more YESSES!!!
- Conduct three appointments using the Achieve and Believe booklets in the Appointment Kit. In addition encourage each new Representative to place a family order for their first order.
- Bring a prospect to a Sales Meeting or Unit Meeting, (either the district or your uplines meetings) depending on your situation. Keep it simple, keep it FUN!!
- Review Believe in Your Success Flyer yet again, and continue to do so until that info is second nature to you.
- Follow up with your Upline Representative to review your
Week Two in 12 Steps
Attend Sales Meeting, Unit Meeting, or
Leadership Class with your upline, or training online.
Prepare 20 Avon Brochures with samples,
a recruiting flyer, and your contact information.
Use the Power of 3 for five straight
days to generate five solid contacts.
Follow up on all leads (Customer and
recruit) received last week.
Call new Representatives to follow up
on their results and discuss Leadership advantages.
Complete 4 of the training classes at
youravon.com on Avon University. Read self help books.
Bring a prospect to a Sales or Unit
Meeting as a guest or to meet with you and your upline.
Hold a Customer Search with your new
Conduct a minimum of four appointments
using the Presentation Book provided in the Appointment kit.
Recruit one new Representative from
these or previous contacts.
Track and record the dollar amount of
your future unit's sales has sold a total during the last two weeks.
Update your Upline on your status
toward achieving your goals and future bonuses.
Week Four in 13 Steps
- Attend Sales Meeting, Unit Meeting, or Leadership Class.
- Prepare 20 Avon books with samples, a recruiting flyer, and your contact information.
- Use the Power of 3 for five straight days to generate five solid contacts.
- Sell $300 this campaign.
- Get give leads from each of your three new Representatives. Find out if they want to do Leadership also.
- Follow-up on leads from your Downline.
- Complete another 4 training classes at Avon University.
- Conduct recruiting appointments (take at least one of your Representatives with you to observe)
- Get at least one personal recruit and one unit recruit if someone in your unit is also interested in the leadership opportunity. Be positive and enthusiastic. Enthusiasm is contagious.
- Hold a Unit Meeting of your own (have Upline Representative attend if possible)).
- Review the material in your Leadership Success kit, and material online.
- Schedule a follow-up business meeting with your Upline Representative to be held by the of next week.
- Make 10 telephone prospecting calls.
Just one more week to go! Don't sette
for less! You can do it!!
Week Five
- Attend Sales Meeting, Unit Meeting, or Leadership class with your upline, or online training.
- Prepare 20 Avon Brochures with samples, a recruiting flyer, and your contact information.
- Use the Power of 3 for five straight days to generate five solid contacts.
- Note the dollar amount of your AVON sales this week.
- Track and record how many recruits you made this week.
- Complete 4 of the Training classes at Avon University.
- Conduct seven appointments.
- Call all of your Representatives and meet them for coffee to discuss your team's strategy for growth.
- Bring a prospect to a Sales Meeting, Unit Meeting or Training Class or invite them to listen to a Conference Call.
- Telephone-prospect with 10 people.
- Dress nicely for the next meeting when you are presented as a Unit Leader.
- Get all your Representatives to attend the Sales Meeting when you are promoted as a new Unit Leader.
- Insure that your unit has sold over $1200 this campaign.
- Track and record the names of all your recruits.
- Count your rewards! Track the bonuses you have earned and anticipate receiving checks from AVON every 2 weeks that will continue to grow as you build your team. Residual income is AWESOME!
- Meet with Upline for review and further planning for your career growth in Avon.
- Complete all remaining Training Courses at Avon University.
You are off to a fabulous start.
Continue selling, showing and sharing the AVON Opportunity! How far
you go is up to you. Dreams can come true. ENJOY the journey!!
3 additional ideas to bolster your
- Join Facebook, if you haven't already, and promote your business AND your online AVON website!!
- Invest in developing effective skills and habits with your downline.
- Help identify skills they already possess. Then identify which of these skills, if cultivated and formed into habits, would move them closer to their goals. Whatever the skill, forming the habit is what can lead one to success. Teach your downline to do the "Power of 3". Lead by example, and be sure to continue doing it yourself to keep continuous growth with your Avon business. As you show Representatives how to apply these principles, their successes become your success. The more success you help them create for themselves, the more you will gain yourself.
- Prospect
- Appoint
- Train
- Develop
- This is what you must do with every new Representative you bring onto your team, and teach each new Leadership Rep to use PATD with their teams as well. Duplicate the PATD system (Prospect, Appoint, Train and Develop) and you will have a stronger team!
Friday, June 12, 2015
ORLANDO!!! Its getting closer. Who's going to Orlando with me? Anyone on my team? I'm excited. If you're interested then get with me and I will give you the details.
https://youtu.be/PsrJtS1jwvQ - The amazing Lisa Wilbur who was noted as the top Avon Earner.
I got my mind on my money and my money on my mind!! Mindset...done done!!
Who's ready to get their business really going? Who's ready to achieve the Hit 100 Challenge? Who's ready to go to Orlando? I don't want to hear oh I have to work, Oh I don't have any money. If there is a will, there is a way. If you want it bad enough you will make it happen.
CHANGE YOUR MINDSET, CHANGE YOUR PLAN!!!! If you don't change your mindset nothing is going to change. Change your thoughts, change your plan of action and the way you do things. If its not working then change what you're doing.
Don't say this was a bad campaign. If you're not following up with your customers you aren't going to get orders. FOLLOW UP IS IMPORTANT!!!! I personally call all my customers who have EVER ordered from me and ask them if there is anything I can get for them. You can either text them, message them on Facebook or call them. Whatever method you choose to do, I text them and 99% of them text me back. FOLLOW UP FOLLOW UP FOLLOW UP!!!!!

I want to be a better person for me. I want to be a good example for others. I want to be an inspiration to others. I want to lead by example. Once your mindset changes, everything changes. When you change your mindset everything will change around you. Don't allow yourself to be around those who bring you down or who are negative. Don't let others make you feel bad or make you feel like you are a nobody. My God doesn't create NOBODIES, YOU ARE SOMEBODY! You have been put in this business for a reason. No one said it would be easy. No one promised that it would be smooth sailing.
Change your mindset. Don't make excuses. Making excuses won't help you to be successful. Don't work on the days you feel like it. That won't help you in your business. That won't change your business or make you more successful. Take brochures into businesses with samples. Check your leads, even if they are old leads. CALL THEM!!!!!! They may not have been interested then but they could be now. It could be the day that they decide they are ready to start.
Listen to the words that are coming out of your mouth. You have to change the way you think. Change your mindset, change your thoughts, change the way you do things. Change can be a scary thing but in the end you won't regret it. Take the leap and change things.I took the leap and started with AVON and I am so glad I did and I will never regret the decision I made. THE DECISION I MADE <----- KEYWORD.... I changed my mindset, I changed my plan, I changed my thoughts and the way I did things. I made a decision to change my life and the way I thought and the way I did things. And the plan worked. It has been working for me but I am still learning every day and growing into the successful person that I want to do. CHANGE YOUR MINDSET!!! Know what you want and grab that bull by the horns, take the 1st step and get it done.
Let me tell you a story, before Avon I was with another network marketing company. At first I loved it and was all excited about it. THe more I did it, I noticed it was more of a competition amongst each other and there was no teamwork. Every man was out for himself so to speak. I got to the point where if someone else did better than me I got down on myself and the negative thoughts flooded my mind. I got to the point where I was always down because I wasn't doing as good as the others and I was getting no where. It left me not wanting to do Network Marketing anymore or being an Entrepeneur. Then the Avon opportunity came along so I decided to try it. And I was so glad I did. With Avon we don't compete against each other, we work with each other, as a team, we work together and we help each other. I love Avon also because in this company everyone isn't just about money like the other company I was with. Ever since I started with Avon I decided to change my mindset, change my thoughts and change the way I do things and I have become much more successful since. I have 40+ people on my team and I have 30+ Avon customers. CHANGE YOUR MINDSET, CHANGE YOUR PLAN!!! And that is what I did. I changed those negative thoughts and turned them into positive thoughts and have become a much better leader than I have ever been before.
Remember, its important that you start with more than 10 brochures. If you want to sell more AVON you need more brochures. Change your mindset, change your plan!!!! If you really want to be successful you have to order at least 100 brochures. I have learned this the hard way by running out of brochures. I have started using old brochures to hand out now. REMEMBER, using old brochures is NOT a bad thing because you can back order and most of the time the products a customer wants you can order for them.
I used to be shy, I didn't like to talk to people really. Yes I worked at a gas station and had to interact with customers but I wasn't good with talking to people. Since starting with Avon it has helped me open up. I have since set up at events, set up at the park and at businesses. I have changed my MINDSET! I have changed the way I do things. CHANGE YOUR MINDSET!!!! If I don't have the right people I will go out and find the right people. I've learned while being in Leadership that this business isn't for everyone and that's okay its really not for everyone. I have had team members come and go. They give up and they quit. YOU HAVE TO CHANGE YOUR MINDSET!!!! Change the way you think about things. This isn't an easy business! You won't be successful overnight! You must work for it, go out and work your business. Order 100 brochures or more. Hand out as many brochures as you can.
Do you want to go on trips? I know I do. Do you want to be able to travel? I sure do. What are your dreams? Do you have any? I do and I have them written down along with my goals. Do you have your goals written down? Have you accomplished any goals on your list? I have! If you want it bad enough you will do what it takes to achieve it. CHANGE YOUR MINDSET!!! Change the way you do things and things will change for you. They definitely have for me. You are never going to accomplish anything big unless you go out there and give it your all. Attitude is so important. Do you want a different outcome? IF so get out there and make it happen. Stop saying I can't do that. CHANGE YOUR MINDSET! Say to yourself what can I do to make this happen. Say to yourself what can I do to get myself closer to my goal. YOU NEED TO FIND A WAY!!! CHANGE YOUR MINDSET!!! If you do that it changes the choices you make.
ORLANDO!!! Its getting closer. Who's going to Orlando with me? Anyone on my team? I'm excited. If you're interested then get with me and I will give you the details.
https://youtu.be/PsrJtS1jwvQ - The amazing Lisa Wilbur who was noted as the top Avon Earner.
I got my mind on my money and my money on my mind!! Mindset...done done!!

CHANGE YOUR MINDSET, CHANGE YOUR PLAN!!!! If you don't change your mindset nothing is going to change. Change your thoughts, change your plan of action and the way you do things. If its not working then change what you're doing.
Don't say this was a bad campaign. If you're not following up with your customers you aren't going to get orders. FOLLOW UP IS IMPORTANT!!!! I personally call all my customers who have EVER ordered from me and ask them if there is anything I can get for them. You can either text them, message them on Facebook or call them. Whatever method you choose to do, I text them and 99% of them text me back. FOLLOW UP FOLLOW UP FOLLOW UP!!!!!

I want to be a better person for me. I want to be a good example for others. I want to be an inspiration to others. I want to lead by example. Once your mindset changes, everything changes. When you change your mindset everything will change around you. Don't allow yourself to be around those who bring you down or who are negative. Don't let others make you feel bad or make you feel like you are a nobody. My God doesn't create NOBODIES, YOU ARE SOMEBODY! You have been put in this business for a reason. No one said it would be easy. No one promised that it would be smooth sailing.

Remember, its important that you start with more than 10 brochures. If you want to sell more AVON you need more brochures. Change your mindset, change your plan!!!! If you really want to be successful you have to order at least 100 brochures. I have learned this the hard way by running out of brochures. I have started using old brochures to hand out now. REMEMBER, using old brochures is NOT a bad thing because you can back order and most of the time the products a customer wants you can order for them.

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