Summer is upon us and now is a great time to join Avon and start your journey as an Independant Avon Representative. What better time than now?

Hello everyone! I am Aiden Bean, and I am a Unit Leader with Avon in District 2873, Wintastics! I love what I do, and its important to love what you do. You must have a passion for what you do. This isn't a job, its a passion, something I love to do. You should have a career that you love not just a job. And Avon has changed my life forever. I am here to motivate you and inspire you and to help you start your career with Avon by starting you as an Avon Representative and if you are really serious about it than to go into Avon Sales Leadership which is what I am in and I love every minute of it. I have been with Avon since 29 September 2014 and I have been going strong ever since. I am here to tell you about all the opportunities that Avon offers you as a Representative or Sales Leader.
Has a Place For You!
Only $15 to start your own business. Earn up to 50%
Collect orders and money, place order online, pay Avon
Work your own hours
You can help clubs & organizations earn money
Church, schools, sports teams etc.
Show the book to family and friends and earn FREE Avon when you have a book or home party.
Great for Holiday shopping.

Become an Avon Sales Leader and soar to new heights with Avon. I am a Unit Leader with Avon and the rewards have been amazing. I have a team of 40+ members on my team and I have over 30+ customers. I can train you and teach you to build your business. FREE TRAINING!!! I can come to you and train you or we can have a Webinar and I can train you over the computer. When you become a Sales Leader your earnings go up as well as your customer base and you start growing your team.

When you sign up as a new Avon Representative we have a new incentive, The Hit 100 Challenge. With this challenge comes great rewards if you complete all the requirements and they are easy to follow. So check this out, The Hit 100 Challenge is for new reps who sign up. If your first 4 Campaign orders are $100+ you earn a FREE bundle package of Avon products PLUS you also get a $20 check from Avon. Doesn't that sound good? I think it does, however I don't qualify since I'm not a new Rep but this is great for new Representatives. It is definitely a great motivator in getting you new Reps to get $100+ orders. For you 1st order if you get $100+ order you get your first FREE Avon Bundle package and a $20 check. If you get a $100+ order your 2nd campaign you get your 2nd FREE Avon Bundle Package and your 2nd $20 check from Avon. You get the idea right? In your 1st 4 campaigns you have the chance to earn 4 FREE Avon Bundle Packages AND 4 $20 checks from Avon just for placing an order of $100 or more. So what are you waiting for? Let's sign you up so you can start earning those rewards. Who knows how long this incentive will last so jump aboard now so you can take advantage of this great incentive. This is just one of the many incentives Avon offers its Representatives. Another reason this company is so great.

As you can see we have a great District Sales Manager, Tracy Adams. She as do I will reward you for participation (attending meetings, conference calls etc). You get recognized for your achievements and for participating in conference calls and you get rewarded for placing orders. As you can see in the photo I (Aiden Bean) had 3 new recruits during the incentive and 1 new Leadership Candidate with an order which means I got 3 FREE Town & Country Products. Woot woot. Town & Country is an online store where you can purchase Avon Logo Items. It is located in your Avon Back Office (

Here is a proud moment of mine that I would like to share with you. Melissa Keller is my Upline Advanced Unit Leader for Team Sparkle. She had a contest going for who could get the most sales and make Unit Leader and well as you can see I had the highest sales and made Unit Leader. I was rewarded with a $100 bonus from Avon and Melissa rewarded me with a Black Onyx Ring and some other goodies from Avon. As you can see, in Avon you are rewarded for your achievements and participation. If you are serious about the business it shows, everyone will know how hard you work your business and you will have others looking up to you. I have had several people say that I inspire them and motivate them. That is the point, I want to inspire and motivate people and help them also be successful in their Avon Business just like I am.
Awhile back Avon had an incentive going on and you could earn an AVON Logo Jacket it was called the AVON LOGO JACKET INCENTIVE and in my District, 5 qualified recruits and on track achievers were me being one of them as you can see and of course my Upline Leader Melissa Keller. We had 5 new recruits and qualified for the Avon Logo Jacket Incentive. I won the Avon Logo Jacket. I was so excited to get it, I could hardly wait and I finally got it and I have since then been so proud to show of my jacket and wear it with pride. I did it! I achieved the incentive and earned that jacket. This is just an example of one of the many Avon Incentives that Avon has offered. This Incentive is however over but who knows if they may come back out with this incentive. Avon is always offering all kinds of great incentives for their Representatives.
Joining Avon is easy as 1-2-3. And the best part is that its ONLY $15 to join not like other companies where you have to spend $100 for a kit. Nope, with Avon its ONLY $15 to sign up and you get a bundle of FREE Avon Products as well as other materials with your WELCOME KIT. So what are you waiting for? You haven't signed up yet? Like I have showed you, there are so many reasons to join Avon. YES YOU CAN MAKE MONEY WITH AVON!!! It all depends on how much you work your business and how much you put into your business! The more time you invest in your business and the more you work your business the more you will be successful. To the left you see my photo, to sign up just go to the link I have provided and enter my Reference Code aidenbean

SO, ARE YOU READY TO SAY YES TO AVON? Just follow the link I have provided you and enter my reference code aidenbean to get started. When you sign up Avon will send you a Welcome Kit with materials in it you need to start your business as well as FREE Avon Products for you to keep for yourself or to use if you want as backstock products you can sell later. When you sign up I as well will send you a Welcome Letter with what I like to call "Aiden's AVON Bible". In Aiden's Avon Bible it has all the information you should need to get started in your Avon Business. But remember, feel free to e-mail me or message me on Facebook or Text me or Call me. I am always available to answer any of your questions. If I don't answer or respond right away be assured that I will get back to you as soon as I get your message. I am here for you, here to help you, here to train you and help you go far in your Avon Business and be successful with Avon. I just want to see you succeed and soar to new heights and that's what you can achieve with Avon.
Here is an introduction video I created about Avon. Check it out! Its a short video so don't worry. It explains a little bit about what Avon is all about. Did I mention Avon raises money for Breast Cancer Research as well as they raise money for Domestic Violence Research? I didn't? Well, now you know. Another reason to join such a great company. So after reading this blog post I hope you will realize all the reasons you should join Avon as well. Jump aboard! We are waiting for you to join our team.
So like I said above, I am Aiden. I am a Unit Leader with Avon. Once I started with this company I realized it was exactly what I was looking for and I really started to work my business. I love this company! And I love what I do and I love helping others be as successful as I am. I love helping others achieve their goals and make their dreams come true! And with Avon all that is possible. All your dreams can come true with Avon. You can go far with Avon if you really work your business. Its all about how much you put into it. I have invested a lot of time into my business because I want to be successful. And I have invested a lot of time into my team. I just want to see everyone succeed and I love helping others. I can help you too be successful with Avon. I will provide you with all the tools and training that you need to go far with Avon as well Avon provides you with all the tools you will need to go far in your business. Did you know Avon has Avon University so you can take Avon courses and earn certificates with Avon and learn more about your business. I have earned many certificates with Avon University. Exciting right!?! I think so.
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